Burma Army officers killed in Shan ambush
SSA 'South' (Photo: S.H.A.N.)
The attack took place on 9 May at 3:45, on the way between Tonglao and Hsataw, where the Burma Army troops were coming in a Tolaji (Chinese made farm tractor). The attack lasted about an hour.
The civilian Tolaji driver was also reportedly killed in the attack. The SSA said it suffered no casualties on its side.
“We received the information in advance, because the battalion is loathed by the local population for its excesses,” said an SSA officer.
According to the SSA, the reason there were many non-commissioned officers among the casualties was because they had just finished the non-commissioned officers training course and were sent to inspect the areas in order to familiarize themselves with the terrain.
Both the SSA ‘South’ and the SSA ‘North’ have been employing mobile tactics against the Burma Army which have caused many casualties on the Burma Army side.
Update News
12 May 2011
The acting commander of LID 422 who was killed was not Lt-Col Than Htike Way, but Maj Thein Oo, Thai-Burma border security source said. 10 were killed and 15 wounded during the action. 3 more died afterwards. (SHAN)